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Lowest Offer on Bournvita Health Chocolate Drink – 750g

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Lowest Offer on Bournvita Health Chocolate Drink – 750g

Check product description here :

  • 8 immunity nutrients – Vitamins (A, B12, C, D), Zinc, Iron, Copper and Selenium – contributes to the normal function of the immune system
  • It has Phosphorous (which is the building block for normal bone development) and Vitamin D (which helps in normal absorption of Calcium and Phosphorous)
  • It contains Protein (which helps in maintenance and growth of muscle mass), Vitamin B12/B2 (which is essential for maintaining a normal function of the nervous system) and Iodine/Iron (which support normal cognitive functions.
  • Bournvita health drink in lowest price, best offer for shopping
  • Cadbury Bournvita is a nutrition brand with a 70 year legacy in India. Cadbury Bournvita is a health food drink with inner strength formula which has nutrients that support – Immune system(8 immunity nutrients), Strong bones (Vitamin D, Phosphorous), Strong muscles (Protein, Vitamin D) and Active Brain(Iron, Iodine, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B12). Recommended 2 serves per day as part of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
  • Enriched with calcium and phosphorus that help in developing strong and healthy bones.
  • Iron folate and vitamin B12 help in the formation of haemoglobin in the body and maintaining a healthy brain and nervous system.
  • Contain protein and vitamins that help in muscle building as well as muscle repairing.

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